Greater Bay Area promo video featuring Harrow Shenzhen students

Harrow Shenzhen students appeared

in the official promo video

for the Greater Bay Area (GBA)

Future: Infinite Possibilities.

The Harrovians embody the future of the GBA, where world-class education resources cultivate a future of infinite opportunities.

Shortly after its release, the video went viral globally – it has been played in New York’s Times Square, across multiple Discovery Channels,
as well as on Facebook and Twitter.

The GBA promo video Future: Infinite Possibilities, which featured Harrow Shenzhen students, lands New York’s Times Square

The video has also been played nationwide
on public transport, landmarks
and leading media platforms in China.

Did you notice the presence of our Harrovians in the GBA promo video in your city?
In the video, young Harrovians are taking part in a simulated RoboMaster Youth Championship.
Wearing the iconic Harrow hat and uniform, the cheerful students demonstrated
the Harrow Values of Courage, Honour, Humility and Fellowship.

Build friendship, create dreams, embrace the power of innovation


World-class British education empowers children in GBA to pursue infinite possibilities

As a leading international school in the GBA, we believe that Harrow Values are central to the resounding success of our namesake UK School and anchor our holistic educational approach; an approach that focuses on individualised student care and support.

Our respect for tradition is balanced by innovation. We are forward-looking and rise to the challenge of creating new unique educational offerings. Our progressive teaching methodologies, distinctive curricula designed for various education system, and other initiatives such as proprietary teacher training, have placed us at the forefront of educational excellence.

With this forward-looking education, Harrovians are well equipped to become tomorrow’s leaders.

2022 is the 450th anniversary  of Harrow School and 25 years of educational excellence of AISL Harrow Schools Asia. 

We look forward to welcoming more talented, creative and aspiring students to join the Harrow Shenzhen family to seek infinite possibilities together.

Future: Infinite Possibilities

designed to cater to a capacity of over 900 students with outstanding facilities for Early Years to the Sixth Form with boarding.

The campus connects Harrow Values with Qianhai’s spirit and provides a holistic approach to education. With sports and leisure areas, library and break out spaces, canteens and lecture halls, the School allows students to flow easily between the various teaching and activities areas, in order to learn, collaborate and socialise freely.

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