
Sixth Form

The Sixth Form (age sixteen to eighteen)

Following iGCSE examinations, students move into the ‘Sixth Form’ phase of the School and prepare themselves for success at University. They complete a two-year suite of A-Level courses, that are regarded as the gold standard of the British education system and recognised worldwide for university entrance.

The Sixth Form years are both challenging and exciting. Students have the opportunity to specialise in subjects they excel and are passionate about and study these areas to an advanced academic level. Many students complete an ‘Extended Project Qualification’ (EPQ) which allows for the development of research skills and the exploration of a topic of special interest in even greater depth. Students also have an opportunity to contribute to the school and wider community through active leadership by taking on key student positions of responsibility such as School Captains, Prefect Monitors, academic societies, and student organisations such as our Student Council. Students play an essential role in supporting our vibrant campus life.

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