
Academic Excellence

Harrow Shenzhen promotes academic excellence by finding the very best in every student.  We encourage students to have high expectations of themselves, be ambitious and work hard to realise their potential in a nurturing environment.  Our curriculum provides a full and comprehensive range of subjects delivered by high calibre teachers and in first-class facilities for learning.

We pride ourselves on enriching and stretching learning at every available opportunity. Regardless of ability, all students are challenged, supported and nurtured at all stages of their school career. We achieve academic excellence through developing our students’ interest in the world around them, encouraging curiosity and creativity and providing opportunities to think critically and problem solve.

Each student has a tutor who is principally responsible for monitoring and supporting their academic progress and their well-being. Our tutor groups are deliberately small to enable close personal tutoring enabling regular communication and support.  Tutors can be contacted directly should parents wish to discuss academic matters, including academic career planning.

Harrow Shenzhen operates a scholars’ programme which provides targeted, enhanced curricular provision for those students that are, based on current academic performance, on a trajectory to attend one of the world’s highly-selective universities. The School is committed to ensuring that all students, including our most able, are challenged and stretched to fulfill their potential within and beyond the classroom. Identified students will be provided with enhanced opportunities to demonstrate their academic ability and test their enquiring minds.

Our Academic Scholars are valued members of the school community. They are under the guidance of the Tutors who are responsible not only for their progress, but ensuring they are stretched academically.  In the Sixth Form, students are invited to join focussed groups such as the Oxbridge/Ivy League and Medics programmes for highly competitive universities.  These programmes include preparation for university entrance tests and interview practice.  All students will receive personalised support to help them towards their chosen destination and the Harrow group has a vast wealth of experience in supporting applications worldwide.     

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