Holistic Education


Regular Boarding

Being a boarder is the most authentic way to experience a Harrow education; after all, Harrow School in the UK has been offering a boarding-only education for many decades.

All of our boarders will benefit from being part of a community in a home-away-from-home, from learning to living alongside others, and having world-class facilities right on their doorstep. They will enjoy a programme of activities as well as supervised and guided prep time to support their studies.

Our boarding facilities provide a safe, secure and diverse environment where our students are valued, supported and inspired. Our Head of Boarding House have a wealth of boarding and pastoral experience to support the needs and development of our students.

All boarders have access to musical studios, sporting and library facilities to enhance their wellbeing and academic progress whilst in boarding. Most importantly, boarders have the opportunity to develop their social skills and continually work on their English skills as they interact with peers from other Houses and are supported by the Head of Boarding House.

Uniquely for boarding students, we provide supported prep/study time each evening to provide academic support. We encourage our boarders to take pride in their community, to take on student leadership positions and peer support programmes within the Boarding Houses to ensure that we build a collaborative and positive environment.

Flexi Boarding

While boarding has always been an integral part of life at Harrow Shenzhen, we recognise that full-time boarding may not always align with every family’s circumstances. Flexi Boarding offers a flexible system that allows students to experience the benefits of boarding while accommodating the dynamic schedules of modern families.

Flexi Boarding caters to family’s needs by offering the option for students to stay overnight on an ad hoc basis. With the flexibility to book as late as 48 hours in advance, Flexi Boarding provides a solution for unexpected commitments or events. This ensures that your child can seamlessly transition between home and school life, allowing them to fully participate in school activities and academic pursuits without interruption.

Rest assured that regardless of the boarding option you choose, your child will receive dedicated pastoral care from our experienced team, ensuring they feel safe, supported, and at home throughout their stay.Flexi Boarders can enjoy a range of benefits included in the fee:

  • Breakfast (Monday-Friday) from 7:00 am to 7:30 am
  • Dinner (Sunday-Thursday) from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm
  • Evening activities (Monday to Thursday) from 7:45 pm to 9:00 pm
  • Prep and academic support (Monday to Thursday) from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm
  • Afternoon and evening snacks

Subject to bed availability, Flexi Boarding is open to all students from Years 5 to 13. Costs will be settled via individual billing unless otherwise agreed upon, and spaces are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, though availability is not guaranteed. 

Why Choose Flexi Boarding? Flexi Boarding at Harrow Shenzhen offers numerous benefits for both students and families:

  • Students benefit from extended prep and study time, particularly during exam periods, leading to improved academic performance and saving commuting time.
  • Flexi Boarders can access academic intervention sessions during prep time, including support for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) provisions (subject to availability).
  • We offer a wide range of evening activities, from sports to arts and music, with our state-of-the-art facilities, providing students with enriching experiences outside the classroom.
  • Students can immerse themselves in an English-speaking environment during boarding, enhancing their language skills and cultural understanding.
  • We offer home-cooked style healthy meals with a diverse menu, catering to various dietary preferences, ensuring students are well-nourished during their stay.
  • Flexi Boarders are required to hand in their electronic devices at a specified time, and lights-out time is at 9:30 pm to ensure they get enough sleep without distractions of devices.
  • Our round-the-clock medical provision ensures the well-being of every student, with a nurse on standby to provide immediate assistance when needed.
  • We provide parents with individual WeCom group chat access to the entire boarding team, enabling direct and personal contact, especially during emergencies.
  • Flexi Boarders have the opportunity to participate in a range of social activities, including movie/games nights, parties, and trips, fostering friendships and teamwork skills in a supportive environment.
  • Flexi Boarding promotes maturity, self-confidence, and self-reliance in a safe and nurturing setting, preparing students for the challenges and opportunities ahead.
  • Flexi Boarding serves as a steppingstone for students considering full-time boarding or university life, empowering them to make informed decisions about their future paths.

For further information of Boarding Fees, please visit https://www.harrowshenzhen.cn/admissions/fees/.  

Academic support

Specifically for Boarding students, we provide a focused prep time each evening where students are given support and guidance in the completion of their homework and revision in a more structured manner. Teachers will be on hand to offer assistance and to help the students to manage their time and workload effectively in order to fulfil their potential.

Enriching Activities

A key benefit of a Harrow International education, apart from academic excellence, is our holistic approach.

All boarders can choose from a range of sporting, academic, musical, creative and wellbeing activities. These sessions provide boarders with further opportunities to access the school’s facilities, develop new and existing skills, support their mental health, and interact with peers from other Houses – all the while being continually supported by Harrow teaching staff.

Lifelong Friends

What most pupils remember from the Boarding experience is the friendships they made.

In a Boarding House, pupils live with their friends, have meals with them and share the joys and tribulations of everyday school life. We see these strong and deep friendships growing over the years. Not only do pupils keep in touch with one another, we are proud to say many keep in touch with the school, long after they have left.

Personalised Care

Each Boarding House has a House Master or Mistress and designated House Parents. These staff foster a close-knit, family atmosphere in which Boarders feel at home, and in which they feel happy, secure and valued.

Staff are also on hand to help with each Boarder’s day to day organisation; getting pupils up in the morning, ensuring they have all the equipment they need for the days study, assisting with any issues and providing a listening ear.

Our Boarding Houses are staffed throughout the night, with pupils able to call on staff as needed.

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