Welcome to the Harrow International School Shenzhen, Qianhai website. Although nothing can replace a visit to our fantastic campus, to experience the sights and sounds of Great School in action, I do hope you will find the information on this site useful.
The Harrow educational philosophy places much emphasis on the importance of relationships. Most significant are those that are formed between students and the staff who are entrusted with developing the learning journey for our children. Equally, a strong and trusting relationship between school and home is invaluable and a proven ingredient to successful student attainment. A partnership between home and School is what we hope to create with our families. It is important to reflect that we all want our children’s educational experience to be fulfilling. We believe strongly that we can achieve this goal when we work together.
‘Educational Excellence for Life and leadership’ encompasses the unique Harrow School values of Courage, Honour, Humility and Fellowship. The acquisition of academic skills and qualifications, whilst of paramount importance, is not the sum of human endeavour or experience. Everything we do at Harrow encourages our students to develop themselves holistically. This extends to our relationship with parents and the wider community.
Leading universities the world over seek students who are rounded and balanced, ethical, moral and involved citizens. In addition to the right academic qualifications, they seek students of character. We believe our focus on academic excellence and the development of core values set Harrow students apart from others.
Enjoy your visit to our website, but better yet, come and meet us on our beautiful campus in Qianhai and start your relationship with Harrow today.
Mr Daniel Berry
Head Master