Celebrate Christmas with Harrow Shenzhen, share the happiness!

2 more days and it will be Christmas!
During this festival season,
the entire Harrow Shenzhen community
has done a lot to celebrate.
Let’s share the joy!

Christmas is celebrated with
music, singing and dancing

Once in a year, we cherish moments as these when the whole Harrow Shenzhen family can gather together to enjoy festive shows. Following the Christmas performance presented by the Early Years to Year 3 children, we also enjoyed some amazing shows done by students from Year 4 to Year 10. Through carols, strings, wind ensembles, African drums, reading and many other programmes, we celebrated Christmas and got to know more about Christmas traditions in other countries.

Parent representatives from Friends of Harrow also performed a nicely designed Christmas K-pop dance.

Friends of Harrow (FoH) is a parent volunteer group and it has been a privilege to work with this group of dedicated parents over the past year. Their aim is to provide members of the Harrow Shenzhen community, particularly parents, with a way to support the school. Much has been achieved already including home-school communication, organising events, networking to support the School to develop links in the local community, welcoming new families as well as helping new parents understand the nature and working of the school. Massive thanks to the FoH team!

Christmas is a time to appreciate the year’s success

It has been a very busy and productive year at Harrow Shenzhen. Every piece of hard work done by our staff counts. Recently, Santa came to the School and pampered the staff with a beautiful Christmas tree and lots of festive surprises: Christmas puzzles, chocolate treats, candy canes, Christmas badges, headbands, marshmallows, and lucky draws… truly a Christmas for everybody!

To celebrate the end of the year, we had food, drinks and a live band. This got people dancing and was a lot of fun. Everyone was dressed up nicely and the night was a great success.

Christmas is about celebrating with family and friends

Staff children are also part of the Harrow Shenzhen family so they were invited to School for the Staff Kid’s Christmas Party which was prepared by the Common Room Committee. Playing together, staff and their children all had fun doing face painting, enjoying the clown shows, and receiving gifts from Secret Santa!

We are all proud of the progress we have made together at Harrow Shenzhen and grateful for everyone’s contributions. We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

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