There is a group of young
adults at Harrow Shenzhen –
They each have their own talents;
They are fearless and full of curiosity.
Who are these fellows?
Watch this video about Harrow Shenzhen
Upper School and you will know more!
Harrow Shenzhen Upper School
The Harrow Shenzhen Upper School ranges from Year 6 up to Year 13 and students are aged between 10 to18 years old. Modelled on the best practices of British preparatory schools and international middle schools, the Prep Phase (Years 6 to 9) has a blend of specialist-taught core subjects such as English, Mandarin, Mathematics and Science, with additional subjects taught including Arts, Computing, Drama, Design Technology, Geography, History, Music and PE, as well as Limitless Leadership and Service Activities (Extra-Curricular Activities). Students in Years 10 and 11 study International General Certificate Secondary Education (IGCSE) curriculum courses, followed by Advanced Level (A-Level) courses in the Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13) before entrance to top universities around the world.

Academic Excellence
At the beginning of the second term in Year 9, teachers will talk to students about their subjects and IGCSEs. Apart from the compulsory examination subjects of English, Mathematics and Chinese, students also need to choose five optional subjects with at least one Science subject i.e. Biology, Chemistry or Physics.

In Year 10, students begin two-year courses leading to IGCSE examinations, which take place in May and June of Year 11.

Following IGCSE examinations, students move into the ‘Sixth Form’ Phase of the School and prepare themselves for success at University. Students are expertly supported in their university applications by tutors and a specialist University Counsellor.
The Sixth Form years are both challenging and exciting. Students have the opportunity to specialise in subjects they excel at and are passionate about and study these areas to an advanced academic level. Many students complete an ‘Extended Project Qualification’ (EPQ) which allows for the development of research skills and the exploration of a topic of special interest in even greater depth.
Holistic Education
We believe that academic achievement is not the only criterion to define a student’s excellence. Students’ emotional and social needs, and their self-confidence and enthusiasm are equally important. Therefore, there are more than 120 Leadership and Service Activities for students to choose from to enrich their curriculum.
Leadership and House Spirit
Harrow always looks to the future, and one of its top priorities is to develop students’ leadership. We believe that leadership is not just about organisational and management skills, but role-modelling and facing challenges with determination. It is also important for students to make just and responsible choices under the Core Values of Courage, Honour, Humility and Fellowship – to lead to a better future.
Lander from Year 7 has recently won the PGA Junior League Golf Tournament championship in Group B held in Nanchang, Jiangxi on 13 March. More than 100 young golf players across the country participated in the tournament. Excellent achievement again Lander, well done!

receiving his award
Lander has also won several golf awards, including winning the championship in Group B of the Y2021 CJGT Junior Golf Championship held at Yangjiang Taojing on 12 December last year. Here is a short interview with this inspiring young man!
For more information about
Harrow Shenzhen Upper School,
scan the QR code in the poster below to
review the Harrow Shenzhen Online
Open Day from 19 March.
You will meet our Heads and
Upper School student representatives,
and get a virtual school tour!

Want to join Harrow Shenzhen
and thrive on your talents?
Try to apply for our Scholarships!
Scan the QR code below to
register your interests.
One of our examiners will
get in touch with you very soon!